WhatsApp Image 2024-03-01 at 12.43.56 AM.jpeg

O’ God, where do I secure all my money; From the thieves and toxic people around me, O’ God Please Help me to relax my soul. My soul is in anxiety to safeguard the money. Give me a way to resolve it, “my god” On seeking the security, “I’m confused.” And started to lose my own happiness, my lord! That’s terrifying me to have trust in others. Help me God!

I chose the wrong path; And now I decided to Go with the flow, As life goes, But God never fails to help us by Showing the right path; From the life we were living with the flow.

O’ Lord, Thank you for answering me in my dream. From the red signals in my mind I got an green signalOf Clarity from you, “my lord” You gave me an ideaOf The Decentralised networks Like Ethereum, Solana blockchains networks You proved me your existence everyday, my lord By introducing solana, My soul will get relaxed from your blessings, O’ God Solana gave me my soul back,”O’my Lord “ Also SOL tokens are making me rich I’m feeling the chillness, From the sunny day. When I use SOLANA; My Soul Gets the peace and fearless about To have a secure transaction By adding SOL in my life, My soul lives the happiest life. Our life is unpredicted SOLANA changed my life.

Hope the best, And the best is yet to come.